According to the most used “due date calculator,” I was 40 weeks on Tuesday the 25th. I had been tired for many weeks, having contractions/Braxton hicks for some time and enjoying my Husband and Chiropractor prescribed daily naps. Wednesday evening was about the same but for some reason, we didn’t go to bible study, maybe we were all resting up.
Sometime after midnight on Thursday, I remember being woke up by a contraction. I was able to fall right back to sleep but this happened a few times. At about 4 am I think I had a few I didn’t fall back to sleep between so I decided to get up. I went to the bathroom, thinking a full bladder could be the culprit, and realized I was starving so I made a snack. Mathew joined me in the kitchen because he heard me mixing the yogurt. I convinced him it was still sleeping time and to get back to bed. Then I went back to bed. I would guess these waves were every 20 minutes or so. They didn’t stop when it was time to wake up for the day. They lingered on. I rested as much as possible because the boys were doing their belt test that night and I didn’t want to miss it. We went to karate and they continued to be every 20 minutes through testing. We got home just before 9 pm and were blasted in the face with a horrible burning rubber /chemical smell in the garage. We checked everything out and called the fire department for a check. None of us could figure out the smell. The next day nana and papaw stopped to tell us it was a skunk! We saw him under the house while checking for a fire but didn’t know he was the culprit because it didn’t “smell like skunk”.
The contractions would continue through the night, some stronger than others, forcing me out of bed, and waking Mitchell but none too exciting. They never slowed down Friday day either. Madilyn had her moments where she was worried about “mommy’s hurt” and helped me, other times she screamed and threw herself on me.
Friday night I was not able to rest through them. Saturday morning at 222 I decided things weren’t slowing down and I had progressed enough to call our doula. We also let Brittnie know, it was a last-minute decision to have her come help with Madilyn after we saw her reaction to some contractions. I knew I needed Mitchell physically present & her getting upset or needing a cuddle wasn't going to be very easy in active labour with this dragging on for so long.
We had filled the tub and I was resting in there as well as getting up and walking, leaning over the bed. Julie came as I got out to the bathroom. Within an hour I would guess I was ready to rest and curled up in bed, convinced Mitchell to as well and we were both able to sleep between contractions. I did stand for some but then would crawl back into bed. Laying down was the worst! At about 0800 I decided to get up and get a snack. Julie had messaged me she went home to get meds and rest herself. Brittnie had helped Madilyn back to bed and everyone was sleeping. This “stall” was something I’ve had with all my births and one big reason we decided to free birth with the last 2. Once I invite my birth team my brain goes to them and out of my safe space, alone with Mitchell. Even in my own home where I feel safe my body just loses its focus.
Things went pretty much like Friday day all Saturday morning until maybe lunch and I was in and out of the tub more and feeling a sore spot on my back. Madilyn was in and out of the tub with me all day as well. We decided to try the tens unit and the birth ball. That was much more tolerable than laying and allowing my legs to rest. Up to this point, I was standing for most of my contractions and kneeling in the tub. My legs were tired. Another thing I found from the very first contraction was an aching cramp on my pubic bone regardless of the intensity of the contraction.
I think I was up and moving most of the afternoon until closer to dinner time when I was wanting the hot water again. Things were getting more intense and I was forced to focus and calm myself. We have worship music playing through the house almost 24/7 as is and this definitely didn’t change in labour. I found myself focusing on the songs more Saturday afternoon.
Some songs that I kept singing and grounding me, carrying me through-
Gratitude “get up and praise the lord, don’t you get shy on me.. throw up my hands and praise you again and again. All I have is a Hallelujah”

Mercy Me- “I can only imagine
What my eyes would see
When Your face is before me
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory
What will my heart feel?
Will I dance for You Jesus
Or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence
Or to my knees, will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah?
Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine”
Confidence -“Give me faith, hope, heart, face my giants… I’m gonna trust you and give you everything.”
Surrounded, fight my battles- “This is how I fight my battles, Just when you think you're lost, It may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by You”
I lost it crying to that last one in transition. I remember Julie praying over me many times and I believe this was one. Mitchell came over and I had a good cry, he kissed me and I snotted him! Haha That was a good laugh to loosen me up. I think he was having dinner at this point and I decided to get out to try the toilet again. I had a wee and a big contraction. When it started I yelled at him to help me up. I was standing and hanging on him during most contractions so this wasn’t new but for some reason I went straight down into a big squat and my waters ruptured with SO much pressure. At some point, someone put a chucks pad down (so grateful!) but it still seemed to splatter everywhere. There was even a piece of the sack on the pad, I’ve never seen that in birth. I went back to the pool and started feeling pushy pressure. It was nothing like the FER (fetal ejection reflex) I felt with Mathew and Madilyn. It did not feel like a relief (like for most people) but I also don’t feel like I had control to slow it down either. I felt the ring of fire for the first time as well. I believe it was about a minute from her crowning to body out but it felt a lot longer! Her head seemed to come out halfway and then to the shoulders and then her body. I pulled her out and up to me. The song “Jireh” was on at 1906 Saturday night the 29th. I had envisioned an evening delivery for a few weeks.
I guess Mitchell saw what she was at this point. I rubbed her bum but couldn’t tell. Just said to get the kids, they missed it again! Lol They were watching a movie in the other room. Mitchell said he went it and asked if they wanted to meet the baby. Madilyn had the most heartfelt “yes” and jumped into his arms, Mathew sounded surprised there was a baby and followed Kyp right out. Madilyn wanted back in the tub with me. I asked if they wanted to see what she was, with her short cord and position it was tough to check. We all saw together there was another girl. We were tied! We had some time together in the pool. Madilyn and baby latched then it was time to get out and start working on this placenta.
I had started herbs and remedies right away to keep the contractions going, we thought that may have been a lack of contractions and effort after a long labor with Madilyn leading to the placenta retention and PPH. After about an hour I just knew it wasn’t coming. I still felt fine but didn’t want to get to not feeling good. I decided to call 911 for a transfer. The dispatch didn’t hear me very clearly and responded with “and you're calling us for this?! Because they haven’t delivered your pizza?!” Poor thing must have been hungry. I repeated myself and she got help on the way. The crew that showed up was amazing!! 5 guys. They were quiet, calm and respectful. Devin was the main guy who talked to me, started my IV, and stayed with us at the hospital until everyone else left. We got in and Dr O was on call. He came in and talked fast. Listened to my questions, answering me clearly. He told me we would do a manual removal (I went to the OR with Madilyn and was asleep for a “d&c”) Devin and Mitchell were right there. Devin started the 2nd IV, blood draw, and stayed through and after the procedure. I saw him more than the nurse that was in there. He was very calm and reassuring even when I had a moment. After the procedure, Dr O told us he believes I had placenta accreta. Based on the placenta being anterior (on the front) where my cesarean scar was and how he had to remove it. That explains the odd feelings I had with contractions. Nothing we could have done would have helped it out and unless it was specifically looked for on an US it could have been missed. This may have been the case with Madilyns placenta and the d&c in addition to the cesarean could have contributed to the way it attached.
I was monitored and stayed for another round of blood work before we went home to curl up with all the kids and work towards recovery and adjusting to 6!
I have reflected some on the intensity of this labor versus the other three pain-free. It’s been a wild stressful year and many months apart from Mitchell. I do think I fell into a fear/pain/tension cycle that could have contributed. As well as the fact that I just felt great in pregnancy, it was my 4th and I didn’t give myself downtime to “prepare”. I didn’t get a doula until the “39th week!” The pool actually came the day before contractions started. We just stayed so busy with the big emotional and stressful life changes (retirement and a cross-country move, buying a house!...) I also had what I believe was the pain from the placenta and how and where it was attached.
The girls are the heaviest and lightest of the 4. 1oz smaller than a brother (Madilyn and Kyptin) and 1oz bigger than the other. (Kolbie and Mathew)
Also the longest and shortest. 19.25 Madilyn and 20.25 for Kolbie. The boys 19.5 and 20”.
The girls were planned unassisted births. Pure magic and bliss surrendering to Gods perfect design. Each of my births has been so different and so special. We are blessed to have 4 healthy children.