CBD can be a hot topic still but it shouldn't be. I have added tons of graphics (to include links when you click on them.) that Earthley has compiled and shared with us on their other online platforms.
You can also get this FREE PDF download! Full of information to include 29 Links and 2 pages of FAQs
I cant personally add much more than these links but I will add our testimony.
I started using CBD oil in 2013 I think. It was hard to find, tasted horrible and I wasn't sure I was getting anything from it. I was having lots of pain and anxiety and realizing I was still coming out of postpartum depression. Over the years I tried many different brands and formulas of CBD. Fall of 2019 I finally tried Earthley's "Anxiety Calm Oil", "C" formula. Immediately the taste was like none I've ever tried and it didn't take long to feel the effects. My middle child gets overwhelmed and I had been using CBD with him, he knew to ask for it when he needed it, he could tell the benefits, that's no placebo to me!
CBD has gotten us through overseas moves, stress, traveling, flying, lockdowns, the anxiety of shopping in a half-empty supermarket surrounded by masked faces, and so much more. We also believe it is working within our body to help regulate and fight for our health.
Starting today there is a 20% off deal that goes through Monday, 7 June.
